IPHC News Release 2019-006 Open Call for Expressions of Interest: IPHC Management Strategy Advisory Board Membership

18 March 2019   




The International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) invites Expressions of Interest (EOI) from persons seeking to serve as members of its Management Strategy Advisory Board (MSAB).

The MSAB currently meets twice each year, in May and October, for 4 days each. MSAB members serve without compensation from the Commission, although travel expenses to meetings of the MSAB, and associated per diem, are fully paid for non-government members.

The primary role of the MSAB is to advise the Commission on the Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) process. MSE is a stakeholder-informed, scientifically driven process supporting the development of a revised IPHC harvest strategy policy. The primary objectives of the MSAB, as described in Appendix V of the IPHC Rules of Procedure (2019), are as follows:

  1. define clear measurable objectives and performance measures for the fishery;
  2. define candidate management strategies, which include aspects of the fishery that can be managed (e.g. regulatory requirements); and
  3. advise the IPHC Secretariat about plausible scenarios for investigation, which include aspects of the fishery that cannot be managed by the IPHC (e.g. environmental conditions and removals under the management authority of a domestic management agency).
  4. Gather and clearly articulate the interests and concerns of constituents and incorporate them into the MSAB’s discussions;
  5. Encourage and allow members to test tentative ideas and exploratory suggestions without prejudice to future discussions;
  6. Represent information, views, and outcomes of the MSAB discussions to external parties accurately and appropriately;
  7. Encourage the understanding and support of their constituencies for the MSAB process and for consensus positions developed by MSAB.

To perform these duties, the MSAB includes the following interests: harvesters (commercial, sport, and subsistence), fisheries managers, processors, IPHC Secretariat staff, science advisors, and other experts as required. Efforts are made to ensure representation is distributed from throughout the IPHC Regulatory Areas. The term of MSAB members is four years, and members may serve additional terms at the discretion of the IPHC.

Expressions of interest are invited for the following eight (8) vacancies:

  1. Harvesters: Commercial fisheries – 2 x Canada; 1 x USA
  2. First Nations/Tribal fisheries: 1 x First Nations (Canada)
  3. Processors: 1 x Canada
  4. Recreational/Sport fisheries: 2 x recreational (Canada); 1 x Alaska recreational (USA)

EOI format:

  1. MSAB vacancy (sector and country)
  2. Full name
  3. Contact information
  4. Supporting documentation (letters of support from relevant Sector)

EOIs must be received by the IPHC Secretariat via email at secretariat@iphc.int no later than the close of business on 12 April 2019.

The Commission is expected to make an intersessional decision on membership in time for any new members to be able to participate in the next MSAB meeting, scheduled for 6-9 May 2019.

Questions may be directed to the IPHC Secretariat at secretariat@iphc.int.

Current Board members (listed on the IPHC website at https://www.iphc.int/the-commission/structure-of-the-commission) are also available to discuss the MSAB and the MSE process.


Dear Reader: The IPHC is moving towards fully electronic information distribution. As such, if you would like to continue to receive IPHC news in the future, please click the following link to subscribe to electronic communications: https://www.iphc.int/form/news-letter. Hard copies of news releases and other bulletins will cease in early 2019.  

– END –

David T. Wilson, Ph.D.
Executive Director, IPHC
Phone: (206) 634-1838
Fax:     (206) 632-2983
Web:  www.iphc.int




Report #


Date Published


Open Call for Expressions of Interest: IPHC Management Strategy Advisory Board Membership

18 Mar 2019


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