IPHC-2023-MR-003 IPHC Requests Tenders for the 2023 Catch Protection Pilot Study (CPS)

11 January 2023

SEATTLE – The International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) is seeking to charter a longline vessel to conduct a brief (2 preparation days and 5 fishing days) pilot experiment investigating devices intended to reduce marine mammal depredation of catch from longline gear. The purpose of the charter is to (1) investigate the logistics of setting, fishing, and hauling two pilot catch protection devices: a) an underwater shuttle and b) branchline gear with a sliding shroud system, and (2) investigate the basic performance of the gear on catch rates and fish size compared to traditional gear. This project will help refine potential devices that can be used in the Pacific halibut fishery to protect catch on the gear from removal or damage by whales and to potentially interrupt the reward cycle leading to depredation. Pilot fishing will not be conducted in the presence of whales and no fish from this study will be retained after sampling.

The IPHC will consider only those vessels with captains and crews that have recent (within five years) longline fishing experience. The IPHC may require an inspection of the vessel prior to awarding the charter.

Vessels need not be licensed for Pacific halibut fishing in Canada or the USA to be eligible. The IPHC is not restricted as to nationality of the vessels it charters for operation in any region as long as customs and immigration regulations are followed.

Interested vessel owners are invited to submit tenders based upon the 2023 IPHC Catch Protection Pilot Study (CPS) Vessel Tender Specifications. The Tender Specifications and Vessel Tender Forms for this project may be downloaded and accessed directly from the IPHC website: Opportunities | IPHC (click on “IPHC Research Charters”).

The IPHC will not be obligated to accept the tender with the lowest bid or any tender received and will contract according to its best interests. Vessels will be rated using the following criteria:

1) seaworthiness and general condition of the vessel and its equipment,

2) the vessel’s availability within the schedule determined solely by the IPHC Secretariat,

3) the vessel captain’s experience and fishing record,

4) the qualifications of the selected crew,

5) IPHC operating costs (tender amounts)

6) Previous interactions with the IPHC and its Secretariat, experience operating as a charter vessel, scheduling flexibility, and ability to take additional Secretariat staff are other factors to be potentially considered in the decision-making process.

Submissions must be completed  no later than 16:59 (Pacific) on 15 February 2023.

For further information please contact the IPHC Secretariat at  Secretariat@iphc.int or 206.634.1838.

IPHC Secretariat
International Pacific Halibut Commission
2320 W. Commodore Way, Suite 300
Seattle, WA 98199-1287
206-634-1838 | www.iphc.int


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