IPHC-2019-MR-003 IPHC Requests Tenders for 2020 Winter Research

1 October 2019

SEATTLE – The International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) is seeking a commercial longline or research vessel to conduct a Pacific halibut collection charter between 6 January and 3 April 2020. The purpose of the charter is to collect Pacific halibut tissue samples for a genetic investigation of stock structure within the Aleutian Islands Chain (IPHC Regulatory Area 4B).

The charter will visit two locations in the Central and Western Aleutian Islands region, defined as within IPHC Regulatory Area 4B and spanning 174°-178° West longitude and 172°-179° East longitude, respectively, requiring a vessel to operate from Dutch Harbor or Adak, Alaska.

Charter vessel captains may direct the setting of as much gear as they feel is necessary to achieve the sampling targets; however, once the targets are met, all remaining gear must be hauled and all remaining unsampled Pacific halibut released with minimal injury. It is expected that the sampling targets (i.e. 60 sexually-mature Pacific halibut of both male and female sexes at each location) likely can be obtained in 5-7 fishing days at each location, exclusive of running and weather days.

The vessel must be capable of taking up to two (2) IPHC staff for the collection of data and biological samples. The IPHC will reimburse bait and ice costs; fuel costs will be the vessel owner’s responsibility. Pacific halibut sacrificed for sampling will be retained and sold by the IPHC, and limited retention of Pacific cod and rockfish bycatch only may be allowed because of the high mortality rates for these species when released. All other fish must be released with minimal harm.

Charter specifications and tender forms are available from the IPHC website (https://www.iphc.int/the-commission/opportunities). The IPHC will consider only those vessels and captains having a history of commercial or research longline fishing. Vessels must have accommodations for two IPHC employees (of any gender) in addition to an experienced captain and crew, capable of fishing 25 or more skates per day and handling Pacific halibut in adverse weather conditions. The IPHC will evaluate vessels based upon the experience of the captain and crew with longline fishing, winter fishing experience, the safety features of the vessel, and charter costs. Vessels must have a bait shed or a sheltered space for sample collection, data recording, and to protect personnel from weather. The vessels will provide fishing gear and all associated equipment normally required for commercial Pacific halibut fishing. The IPHC will replace all fishing gear lost during fishing operations.

The IPHC is not restricted as to the nationality of vessels it charters in any IPHC Regulatory Area, and will contract according to IPHC interests. Any tender may not be accepted. Interested owners can contact the IPHC for more information on charter specifications and to submit a tender.  Tenders must be sent by email (pdf) to the IPHC office in Seattle at secretariat@iphc.int no later than 17:00 (Pacific Daylight Time) on 1 November 2019.  Interested parties should contact the IPHC Secretariat at secretariat@iphc.int or +1-206-634-1838 for tender and contract information.

IPHC Secretariat
International Pacific Halibut Commission
2320 W. Commodore Way, Suite 300
Seattle, WA 98199-1287
206-634-1838 | www.iphc.int


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