Claude Dykstra , M.Sc.
Robert Tynes
18 Nov 2023
The Research Biologist (Mortality and Survival) position is a position within the Biological and Ecosystem Sciences Branch that also works closely with the Quantitative Sciences Branch. This position is intended to conduct studies aimed at improving our understanding of the biological and fishery aspects of Pacific halibut and presents results of research in scientific reports and primary publications. The incumbent reports directly to the BESB Manager.
- International Pacific Halibut Commission (Seattle, WA).
- Research Biologist (2015-present)
- Survey Manager (2001-2015)
- Archipelago Marine Research, Ltd. (Victoria, BC)
- Groundfish Observer, Sablefish and Shrimp Data Coordinator, Program Manager (1996-2001)
- M.Sc., Environmental Science, Alaska Pacific University (2022)
- B.Sc., Specialized Honors: Marine Biology (1994); Minor: Human Nutrition. University of Guelph
- Dykstra, C., Wolf, N., Harris, B.P., Stewart, I.J., Hicks, A., Restrepo. F., Planas, J.V. 2024. Relating capture and physiological conditions to viability and survival of Pacific halibut discarded from commercial longline gear. Ocean & Coastal Management. 249: 107018.
- Lomeli, M.J.M., Wakefield, W.W., Abele, M., Dykstra, C.L., Herrmann, B., Stewart, I.J., Christie, G.C. 2023. Testing of hook sizes and appendages to reduce yelloweye rockfish bycatch in a Pacific halibut longline fishery. Ocean & Coastal Management. Vol.241:106664.
- Loher, T., Dykstra, C.L., Hicks, A., Stewart, I.J., Wolf, N., Harris, B.P., Planas, J.V. (2022). Estimation of postrelease longline mortality in Pacific halibut using acceleration-logging tags. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 42: 37-49. DOI:
- Lomeli, M.J.M., Wakefield, W.W., Herrmann, B., Dykstra, C.L., Simeon, A., Rudy, D.M., Planas, J.V. 2021. Use of Artificial Illumination to Reduce Pacific Halibut Bycatch in a U.S. West Coast Groundfish Bottom Trawl. Fisheries Research. 233: 105737.
- Webster, R. A., Soderlund, E., Dykstra, C. L., & Stewart, I. J. 2020. Monitoring change in a dynamic environment: Spatio-temporal modelling of calibrated data from different types of fisheries surveys of Pacific halibut. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 77, 1421–1432.
- van Helmond, A.T.M., Mortensen, L.O., Plet‐Hansen, K.S., Ulrich, C., Needle, C.L., Oesterwind, D., Kindt-Larsen, L., Catchpole, T., Mangi, S., Zimmermann, C., Olesen, H.J., Bailey, N., Bergsson, H., Dalskov, J., Elson, J., Hosken, M, Peterson, L., McElderry, H., Ruiz, J., Pierre, J.P., Dykstra, C., and Poos, J.J. Electronic monitoring in fisheries: Lessons from global experiences and future opportunities. Fish Fish. 2019; 00:1–28.
- Hershberger, P.K., Gregg, J.L., Dykstra, C.L. 2018. High-Prevalence and Low-Intensity Ichthyophonus infections in Pacific Halibut. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health. 30(1): 13-19.
- Bentzen, R., Castellini, J.M., Gerlach, R., Dykstra, C., O’Hara, T. 2016. Mercury concentrations in Alaska Pacific halibut muscle relative to stable isotopes of C and N and other biological variables. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 113, 110-116
- Soderlund, E., Randolph, D. L., Dykstra, C. 2012. IPHC setline charters 1963 through 2003. Int. Pac. Halibut Comm. Tech. Rep. 58. 264 p.
- Yamanaka, K. L., Lochead, J. K., Cooke, K., Lacko, L. C. and Dykstra, C. 2007.Summary of non-halibut catch from the standardized stock assessment survey conducted by International Pacific Halibut Commission in British Columbia from May 31 to July 24, 2005. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2689.55 p.
- Improving Discard Mortality Rate estimates of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) in the directed longline fishery. Dykstra, C., Simeon, A., Loher, T., Stewart, I.J., Hicks, A.C., Wolf, N., Harris, B.P., and Planas, J.V. North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) – 2019 Annual Meeting, W2. Victoria, BC, Canada. 18 October, 2019 [Presentation].
- Electronically monitoring release method as a proxy for Pacific halibut mortality rates in the directed Pacific halibut longline fishery. Dykstra, C., Loher, T., Stewart, I.J., Hicks, A.C., and Planas, J.V. 9th International Fisheries Observer and Monitoring Conference. Vigo, Galicia, Spain. 11-15 June, 2018 [Poster].
- Epizootiology of Ichthyophonus sp. in Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) in the Northeast Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea. Dykstra, C., Gregg, J., Hershberger, P. 9th International Flatfish Symposium. Cle Elum, WA, USA. 9-14 November, 2014. [Presentation].
- Total mercury and selenium levels in Alaskan Pacific Halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) tissue from 2002-2012. Dykstra C., Gerlach, R. 2014 National Forum on Contaminants in Fish. Alexandria, VA, USA. 22-24 September, 2014. [Poster].