5 September 2017
Sport Fisheries: IPHC Regulatory Area 2B (Canada) Closure
Closed: IPHC Regulatory Area 2B (Canada) Pacific halibut sport fishery – The IPHC Regulatory Area 2B Pacific halibut sport fishery for 2017 is estimated to have harvested the allowed catch limit of 1,118,029 pounds by early September. As a result, the IPHC Regulatory Area 2B Pacific halibut sport fishery will close at the end of the day (23:59 PDT) Wednesday, 6 September 2017. This fishery will then be closed for the remainder of 2017.
An experimental licence program is available that provides an opportunity for recreational harvesters to retain Pacific halibut beyond this closure date under the British Columbia Tidal Waters Sport Fishing Licence by acquiring Pacific halibut quota from the commercial fishery.
More information is available on the Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) website:
http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/fm-gp/commercial/ground-fond/halibut-fletan/2015/presentation-en.html .
Due to the short notice nature of this notification, it is posted to our website only, and no paper copy has been mailed out.
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