IPHC-2017-NR-024 Bait Needed for 2018 IPHC Fishery-Independent Setline Survey

17 August 2017

Bait Needed for 2018 IPHC Fishery-Independent Setline Survey
300,000 pounds semi-bright chum salmon
Contact IPHC by 25 August 2017

The International Pacific Halibut Commission is acquiring bait for the 2018 fishery-independent setline survey. Due to the scientific nature of the study, IPHC bait quality requirements and standardization exceed those normally provided by industry as bait chums.

Chum salmon requirements:

  • Headed and gutted (H&G)
  • Individually quick frozen (IQF).
  • The minimum grade is semi-bright #2s (ASMI grade A-E). Fish of a higher quality are acceptable but not preferred over the minimum quality.
  • IPHC prefers 4/6 lbs and 6/9 lbs; 9/up lbs may be considered.
  • Bait may be inspected by IPHC staff prior to purchase to ensure that the flesh is firm and has been processed in a manner that maintains the required quality.
  • Bait must be toted in ~1,000 lb fiber totes.
  • Information on the month of capture, the run for each unit/tote of bait purchased, and tote weight is required. Also, the labeling of totes as IPHC specific product before shipment would be preferred.
  • The salmon must have been caught and processed no earlier than June 2017.
  • Invoices submitted for payment no later than March 2018.

The IPHC will consider quantity offered, size, quality, price per pound, and preseason storage location when making purchases. To be included in purchase negotiations, complete the information listed on the second page of this announcement and submit it to Ed Henry via fax: (206) 632-2983 or e-mail ed@iphc.int by 25 August 2017. The Commission will evaluate proposals as they are submitted; however, the Commission is not required to accept the lowest or any of the bids received. Bid acceptance will be released to the parties by 1 September 2017. If you have any questions, please contact Ed Henry at (206) 634-1838 ext 7686.

For 2018, the IPHC has been investigating spatial expansion of the survey. As part of our planning, the Commission requests bidders provide information on timing, quantity, and location availability of chum salmon between the dates of 1 June and 31 August 2018. This will assist the IPHC in determining possible significant in-season purchases.

– END –




Report #


Date Published


Bait Needed for 2018 IPHC Fishery-Independent Setline Survey



17 August 2017


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