20 May 2020
SEATTLE – As announced in IPHC Media Release 2020-012, a regulatory change was approved for management measures in IPHC Regulatory Areas 2A regarding the license application deadline date for a vessel operating in the incidental catch fishery during the sablefish fishery. Please see section 15(9) of the IPHC Fishery Regulations (2020), dated 20 May 2020, for this update:
Sect. 15(9) “A vessel operating in the incidental catch fishery during the sablefish fishery in IPHC Regulatory Area 2A must have submitted its “Application for Vessel License for the Pacific Halibut Fishery” form no later than 2359 local time on 29 May, or the next weekday in May if 29 May is a Saturday or Sunday.”
Applications must be submitted via the IPHC website at the following link:
2020 license application form: https://www.iphc.int/form/2020-iphc-license-application
No applications submitted by fax, mail, or email will be accepted.
For further information please contact the IPHC Secretariat at secretariat@iphc.int or 206.634.1838.
IPHC Secretariat
International Pacific Halibut Commission
2320 W. Commodore Way, Suite 300
Seattle, WA 98199-1287
206-634-1838 | www.iphc.int