IPHC News Release 2017-18 Process and guidelines for the development, submission, consideration, and adoption of the IPHC fishery regulations

12 July 2017

In accordance the International Pacific Halibut Commission’s Rules of Procedure (2017), the IPHC Secretariat announces the following dates and process for developing and submitting proposals for new or amended IPHC Fishery Regulations. This Regulatory Proposal submission and review process also applies to catch limit proposals, which are in themselves Regulatory Proposals and shall henceforth be referred to as Regulatory Proposals.

Please note that only formal submissions for new Fishery Regulations or amendments to existing Fishery Regulations should adhere to the process detailed below. Informal Statements by stakeholders should be submitted as an email to the following address, which will then be provided directly to the Commissioners as Stakeholder Statements at each Session: Statements@iphc.int.

Please also note the deadlines for submitting Regulatory Proposals, which are somewhat earlier than recent years. Meeting materials need to be submitted 30 days before the meeting.


INTERIM MEETING – 93rd Session of the IPHC Interim Meeting (IM093: 28-29 November 2017). Regulatory proposal deadline: 30 days before the opening of the Session (29 October 2017).

NOTE: Although it is not mandatory to submit draft regulatory proposals to the IPHC Interim Meeting, it is highly encouraged as it will provide the Commissioners and IPHC Secretariat staff additional time to seek clarification if necessary.

Step 1: Submit your draft IPHC Regulatory proposal to the IPHC Secretariat at Regproposal@iphc.int, using the template available from the IPHC Interim Meeting website, no later than 30 days before the Interim Meeting (29 October 2017). The template is available in either MS Word or pdf format. Proposals received after this deadline will not be considered at the Interim Meeting.

Step 2: The proposal shall be numbered and published by the IPHC Secretariat to the IPHC Interim Meeting webpage within one (1) business day after receipt.

Step 3: The IPHC Secretariat shall review the proposal and develop an accompanying Implementation Note, detailing how the proposal could be implemented, as well as any complications. This may or may not include specific regulatory text additions or amendments.

Step 4: The Commission shall review the proposal in tandem with the Implementation Note at the Interim Meeting and provide an indication of whether additional information is required from the proposal author and/or the IPHC Secretariat, for further consideration at the upcoming Annual Meeting.

Step 5: The IPHC Secretariat shall contact each proposal author and indicate if the Commission has requested additional information.

ANNUAL MEETING – 94th Session of the IPHC Annual Meeting (AM094: 22-26 January 2018). Regulatory proposal deadline: 30 days before the opening of the Session (23 December 2017).

Step 1:

  1. Proposal considered at the Interim Meeting: Any proposal considered at the Interim Meeting will automatically be considered at the Annual Meeting, either in its original form or as a revised proposal. The IPHC Secretariat will modify its Implementation Note based on any further amendments of the proposal made by the author. ‘OR
  2. Proposal not considered at the Interim Meeting: Submit your draft IPHC Regulatory proposal to the IPHC Secretariat at Regproposal@iphc.int, using the template available from the IPHC Annual Meeting website, no later than 30 days before the Annual Meeting (23 December 2017). The template is available in either MS Word or pdf format. Proposals received after this deadline will automatically be deferred until the next Interim Meeting.

Step 2: The proposal shall be numbered and published by the IPHC Secretariat to the IPHC Annual Meeting webpage within one (1) business day after receipt.

Step 3: The IPHC Secretariat shall review the proposal and develop an accompanying Implementation Note, detailing how the proposal could be implemented, as well as any complications. This may or may not include specific regulatory text additions or amendments.

Step 4: The Commission shall review the proposal in tandem with the Implementation Note at the Annual Meeting.

Contracting Parties: The Regulatory measures adopted annually by the Commission are then submitted to the two Contracting Parties (Canada and the USA) for internal approval and implementation prior to the commencement of the next fishing period.

If you have any questions regarding the above process or deadlines, please contact the IPHC Secretariat via email: Regproposal@iphc.int

– END –




Report #


Date Published


2017-18 Process and guidelines for the development, submission, consideration, and adoption of the IPHC fishery regulations



12 July 2017


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