Allan Hicks , Ph.D.
Robert Tynes
18 Nov 2023
The Quantitative Scientist (Management Strategy Evaluation) serves as the primary lead for IPHC management strategy evaluation (MSE) and harvest strategy activities by the Commission. The incumbent is responsible for working with all branches of the IPHC to ensure that data collection, coordination and supporting analyses align with MSE needs and timing, and that the MSE incorporates current knowledge. The incumbent conducts MSE analyses as needed, working closely with the other quantitative scientist positions to ensure results are consistent with the IPHC stock assessment and complete and available for the IPHC’s meeting and decision-making. The incumbent also organizes and interacts with the Management Strategy Advisory Board (MSAB) and presents results to the Commission, subsidiary boards and stakeholders, both formally and informally. Additionally, research is conducted in support of the IPHC’s research program, as well as in the general field of stock assessment and fisheries methods.
Works with the Executive Director to develop and set overall objectives, ensures adherence to scientific standards, and develops long-range research plans to address critical knowledge gaps in the understanding of Pacific halibut population and fishery dynamics.
I grew up fishing in the Rocky Mountains of Canada and off the coast of central California. It was when I was a dockworker and unloading fishing boats in Port San Luis, California that I realized I wanted to become more involved with the assessment and management of fisheries. After earning a BS in fisheries from Humboldt State University and an MS in statistics from University of Idaho, I accepted a position in New Zealand as a fisheries modeler, which was an incredible learning experience. I wanted to further my education, so I left New Zealand to earn a PhD in fisheries at the University of Washington.
I have been involved with many aspects of fisheries science, including designing fish surveys, participating in trawl and acoustic surveys, analyzing data from various surveys and sampling programs, assessing many different stocks, and performing management strategy evaluations. Some of the more memorable species I have worked with are orange roughy while at NIWA in New Zealand, Pacific hake, petrale sole, and widow rockfish while at the NWFSC in Seattle, and now Pacific halibut at the IPHC.
- Ph.D., Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, Graduate Advisor: Dr. Ray Hilborn, 2013.
- M.S., Statistics, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, Graduate Advisor: Dr. Ken Newman), 2002.
- B.S., Marine Fisheries with an Applied Mathematics minor. Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA, Advisor: Dr. David Hankin, 1997
- Hicks AC, Cox S, Taylor N, Taylor IG, Grandin CJ, Ianelli J. 2016. Conservation and yield performance of harvest control rules for the transboundary Pacific hake (Merluccius productus) fishery in U.S. and Canadian waters. In Edwards CTT, Dankel DJ (eds.) Management Science in Fisheries: An Introduction to Simulation-based Methods. Routledge. 452 p.
- Hicks AC, Wetzel C, Harms J. 2015. The status of Widow Rockfish (Sebastes entomelas) along the U.S. West Coast in 2015. In Status of the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery through 2015, Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation: Stock Assessments, STAR Panel Reports, and Rebuilding Analyses. Pacific Fishery Management Council, Portland, Oregon.
- Hicks AC, Taylor N, Grandin CJ, Taylor IG, Cox S. 2013. Status of the Pacific hake (whiting) stock in U.S. and Canadian waters in 2013. Document submitted to the Joint U.S.-Canada treaty for Pacific hake/whiting process. 190 p.
- Hicks AC, Wetzel C, Harms J. 2013. The status of rougheye rockfish (Sebastes aleutianus) and blackspotted rockfish (S. melanostictus) as a complex along the U.S. West Coast in 2013. In Status of the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery through 2013, Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation: Stock Assessments, STAR Panel Reports, and Rebuilding Analyses. Pacific Fishery Management Council, Portland, Oregon. 250 p.
- Hicks AC, Wetzel C. 2011. The Status of Dover sole off the U.S. west coast in 2011. In Status of the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery through 2011, Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation: Stock Assessments, STAR Panel Reports, and Rebuilding Analyses. Pacific Fishery Management Council, Portland, Oregon. 305 p.
- Hicks AC, Haltuch MA, Wetzel C. 2009. Status of greenstriped rockfish (Sebastes elongatus) along the outer coast of California, Oregon, and Washington. In Status of the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery through 2009, Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation: Stock Assessments, STAR Panel Reports, and Rebuilding Analyses. Pacific Fishery Management Council, Portland, Oregon. 237 p.
- Hicks AC, Doonan IJ, McMillan PJ, Coburn RP, Hart AC. 2002. Assessment of OEO 3A black oreo for 2002-03. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2002/63. 58 p.
- Hicks AC, Cordue PL, Bull B. 2002. Estimating proportion at age and sex in the commercial catch of hoki (Macruronus novaezelandiae) using length frequency data. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment Report 2002/43. 51 p.
- Hicks A, Wetzel C, Stewart I. 2021. Estimation of sex-specific natural mortality in fish stock assessments. CAPAM Natural Mortality Workshop: Theory, Estimation and Application in Fishery Stock Assessment Models.
- Hicks A, Stewart I, Carpi P, Wilson D, Berukoff S. 2019. Next Generation Modelling Needs at IPHC. CAPAM Next Generation Stock Assessment Models Workshop.
- Hicks A, Carpi P, Stewart I. 2019. Accounting for temporal variability in productivity of Pacific halibut. Pacific Halibut Workshop at the 2019 PICES Annual Meeting.
- Hicks A, Stewart I, Soderlund E, Wilson D. 2018. Communicating Fisheries Science for Tactical and Strategic Decision-Making. American Fisheries Society 148th Annual Meeting.
- Hicks A. 2017. Fifty Years of Management Strategy Evaluation at the International Pacific Halibut Commission. American Fisheries Society 147th Annual Meeting.
- Hicks A, Stewart I. 2017. A Framework to Account for Uncertainty in the Movement of Pacific Halibut When Evaluating Robust Harvest Policies. American Fisheries Society 147th Annual Meeting.