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  4. Pending Alaska Landings

Pending Alaska Landings

This is a summary of Alaskan Pacific halibut IFQ landings expected to occur within the next ~12 hours. Under current regulations, vessel operators who are required to submit Prior Notice of Landing (PNOL) Reports must do so at least 3 hours ahead of the start of an IFQ offload.

This information was compiled at the IPHC using the NOAA Fisheries PNOL report. Data do not include information for vessels that were given waivers to unload without submitting a PNOL, or for landings that are otherwise exempt from the PNOL requirement. This list includes all vessels that have hailed in but have not unloaded their Pacific halibut catch.

"Minimal Activity" indicates 2 or less vessels are landing. Poundage cannot be disclosed for reasons of confidentiality.

"Pacific Halibut Poundage" is the total estimated weight of Pacific halibut to be offloaded for each harvest area as reported by vessel operators.

Southeast Alaska includes Sitka, Ketchikan, Metlakatla, Petersburg, Hoonah, Juneau, Auke Bay
Central Gulf includes Homer, Seward, Kodiak, Whittier, Cordova, Yakutat
Western Alaska includes Dutch Harbor, Pribilof Islands, Sand Point, King Cove, Chignik, Adak, Akutan

If the table does not appear current, please "reload" this page, which is updated every morning.

Question or comments regarding this page should be directed to the IPHC: (206) 634-1838
