IPHC Media Release 2019-04 Open Call for Expressions of Interest: IPHC Research Advisory Board membership

15 Oct 2019

SEATTLE – The International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) invites Expressions of Interest (EOI) from persons seeking to serve as members of its Research Advisory Board (RAB).

The RAB meets for 1 day once each year at the IPHC offices in Seattle, WA, USA. Board members serve without compensation from the Commission, though travel expenses to meetings of the Board, and associated per diem, are fully paid.

The primary objectives of the RAB, as described in Appendix VII of the IPHC Rules of Procedure (2019), are as follows:

  1. suggest research ideas;
  2. review IPHC research proposals;
  3. provide the IPHC Secretariat staff (who participate in Sessions of the RAB as Observers) with direct input and advice from industry during the development of research plans.

The RAB may also make recommendations to the Scientific Review Board concerning research plans and priorities for its consideration.

RAB members are Pacific halibut industry representatives from each Contracting Party, and may include commercial, guided sport, unguided sport/recreational, subsistence, and First Nations/Tribal interests. The term of RAB members is two years, and members may serve additional terms at the discretion of the IPHC.

EOI format:

  1. Full Name
  2. Contact information

EOIs must be received by the IPHC Secretariat via email at secretariat@iphc.int no later than the close of business on 22 November 2019.

The Commission is expected to make an intersessional decision on membership in time for any new members to be able to participate in the next RAB meeting, scheduled for 26 February 2020.

Questions may be directed to the IPHC Secretariat at secretariat@iphc.int.

Current Board members (listed on the IPHC website at https://www.iphc.int/the-commission/structure-of-the-commission) are also available to discuss the RAB process.

IPHC Secretariat
International Pacific Halibut Commission
2320 W. Commodore Way, Suite 300
Seattle, WA 98199-1287
206-634-1838 | www.iphc.int


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