Harvest Strategy Policy

Harvest Strategy Policy

The following documents describing the IPHC Harvest Strategy Policy are Draft documents based on an amalgamation of current IPHC practices and best practices in harvest strategy policy. It is not intended to be a definitive policy, noting that the IPHC is yet to adopt a formal harvest strategy for Pacific halibut. It is expected that over the coming two years, the IPHC will develop and implement a harvest strategy, and that this policy document will then be updated accordingly. The IPHC Harvest Strategy Policy will provide a framework for applying a rigorous science-based approach to setting harvest levels for Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) within the Convention Area. Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) will be used to ensure that this Harvest Strategy Policy meets Commission objectives and is robust to uncertainty. 

Interim International Pacific Halibut Commission Harvest Strategy Policy (2020)
5 Feb 2020
International Pacific Halibut Commission Harvest Strategy Policy (2019)
17 Apr 2019