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Primary Literature Index

Primary Literature

Lomeli, M.J.M., Wakefield, W.W., Abele, M., Dykstra, C.L., Herrmann, B., Stewart, I.J., Christie, G.C. 2023. Testing of hook sizes and appendages to reduce yelloweye rockfish bycatch in a Pacific halibut longline fishery. Ocean & Coastal Management. Vol.241:106664
Planas, J.V., Rooper, C.N., Kruse, G.H. Integrating biological research, fisheries science and management of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) across the North Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Research. 2023. 259: 106559.
Hutniczak, B. 2022. Efficient updating of regional supply and use tables with the national-level statistics. Journal of Economic Structures 11: 16
Loher, T., McCarthy, O., Sadorus, L.L., Erikson, L.M., Simeon, A., Drinan, D.P., Hauser, L., Planas, J.V., Stewart, I.J. A test of deriving sex-composition data for the directed Pacific halibut fishery via an at-sea marking program. Marine and Coastal Fisheries. 2022. 14:e10218.
Hutniczak, B. (2022) Assessing cross-regional flows of economic benefits: A case study of Pacific halibut commercial fishing in Alaska. Fish. Res. Vol.255:106449.
Jasonowicz, A.J., Simeon, A:, Zahm, M., Cabau, C., Klopp, C., Roques, C., Iampietro, C., Lluch, J., Donnadieu, C., Drinan, D., Hauser, L., Guiguen, Y., Planas, J. V. Generation of a chromosome-level genome assembly for Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) and characterization of its sex determining region. Molecular Ecology Resources. 2022. 22: 2685-2700.
Fish T., Wolf N., Smeltz T.S., Harris B.P., Planas J.V. (2022) Reproductive Biology of Female Pacific Halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) in the Gulf of Alaska. Front. Mar. Sci. 9:801759.
Adams, G. D., Holsman, K. K., Barbeaux, S. J., Dorn, M. W., Ianelli, J. N., Spies, I., Stewart, I. J., Punt, A. E. (2022) An ensemble approach to understand predation mortality for groundfish in the Gulf of Alaska. Fish. Res. Vol.251:106303.
Loher, T., Dykstra, C.L., Hicks, A., Stewart, I.J., Wolf, N., Harris, B.P., Planas, J.V. (2022). Estimation of postrelease longline mortality in Pacific halibut using acceleration-logging tags. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 42: 37-49. DOI:
Carpi, P., Loher, T., Sadorus, L.L., Forsberg, J.E., Webster, R.A., Planas, J.V., Jasonowicz, A., Stewart, I. J., Hicks, A. C. (2021) Ontogenetic and spawning migration of Pacific halibut: a review. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries.
Loher, T., Bath, G.E., and Wischniowski, S. (2021) The potential utility of otolith microchemistry as an indicator of nursery origins in Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis). Fish. Res. Vol. 243:106072.
Kroska, A.C., Wolf, N., Planas, J.V., Baker, M.R., Smeltz, T.S., and Harris, B.P. (2021) Controlled experiments to explore the use of a multi-tissue approach to characterizing stress in wild-caught Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis). Cons. Physiol. Vol. 9(1):coab001.
Lomeli, M.J.M., Wakefield, W.W., Herrmann, B., Dykstra, C.L., Simeon, A., Rudy, D.M., Planas, J.V. (2021) Use of Artificial Illumination to Reduce Pacific Halibut Bycatch in a U.S. West Coast Groundfish Bottom Trawl. Fish. Res. 233:105737.
Sadorus, L.L., Goldstein, E.D., Webster, R.A., Stockhausen, W.T., Planas, J.V., Duffy-Anderson, J.T. (2021) Multiple life-stage connectivity of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) across the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska. Fish. Oceanogr. Vol. 30(2):174-193.
Stewart, I.J., Hicks, A.C., and P. Carpi (2021). Fully subscribed: Evaluating yield trade-offs among fishery sectors utilizing the Pacific halibut resource. Fisheries Research 234. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105800
Stewart, I.J., Scordino, J. J., Petersen, J.R., Wise, A.W., Svec, C.I., Buttram, R.H., Monette, J.L., Gonzales, M.R., Svec, R., Scordino, J. Butterfield, K., Parker, W., Buzzell, L.A. (2021) Out with the new and in with the old: Reviving a traditional Makah halibut hook for modern fisheries management challenges. Fisheries Magazine: American Fisheries Society (early view).
Taylor, I.G., Doering, K.L., Johnson, K.F., Wetzel, C.R., and Stewart, I.J. (2021). Beyond visualizing catch-at-age models: Lessons learned from the r4ss package about software to support stock assessments. Fish. Res. Vol. 439:105924.
Fish, T., Wolf, N., Harris, B. P., Planas, J. V. (2020) A comprehensive description of oocyte developmental stages in Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis. J. of Fish Biology.
Forrest, R.E., Stewart, I.J., Monnahan, C.C., Bannar-Martin, K.H., and L.C. Lacko. 2020. Evidence for rapid avoidance of rockfish habitat under reduced quota and comprehensive at-sea monitoring in the British Columbia Pacific Halibut fishery. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 77: 1409-1420.
Nielsen, J.K., Mueter, F.J., Adkison, M.D., Loher, T., McDermott, S.F., Seitz, A.C. (2020) Potential utility of geomagnetic data for geolocation of demersal fishes in the North Pacific Ocean. Animal Biotelemetry. 8: 17.
van Helmond, A., Mortensen, L.O., Plet-Hansen, K.S. , Ulrich, C., Needle, C.L. ,  Oesterwind, D.,  Kindt-Larsen, L., Catchpole, T., Mangi, S.,  Zimmermann, C., Olesen, H.J. ,  Bailey, N.,  Bergsson, H., Dalskov, J., Elson, J., Hosken, M., Peterson, L., McElderry, H., Ruiz, J., Pierre, J.P., Dykstra, C. and Poos, J.J. (2019) Electronic monitoring in fisheries: Lessons from global experiences and future opportunities. Fish Fish. 2020; 21:169–189.
Webster, R.A., Soderlund, E., Dykstra, C.L., and Stewart, I.J. (2020) Monitoring change in a dynamic environment: spatio-temporal modelling of calibrated data from different types of fisheries surveys of Pacific halibut. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 77: 1421-1432.
Monnahan, C.C., Branch, T.A., Thorson, J.T., Stewart, I.J., and C. Szuwalski. 2019. Overcoming long Bayesian run times in integrated fisheries stock assessments. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 76: 1477-1488.
Nielsen, J.K., Mueter, F.J., Adkison, M.D., Loher, T., McDermott, S.F. and Seitz, A.C. (2019) Effect of study area bathymetric heterogeneity on parameterization and performance of a depth-based geolocation model for demersal fishes. Ecological Modelling, 402, pp.18-34.
Rose, C.S., Nielsen, J.K., Gauvin, J.R., Loher, T., Sethi, S.A., Seitz, A.C., Courtney, M.B. and Drobny, P. (2019) Survival outcome patterns revealed by deploying advanced tags in quantity: Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) survivals after release from trawl catches through expedited sorting. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.
Claussen, J., David, S., O’Reilly, K., Henry, E., and N. Sopinka. (2018) #Welcome: Introducing the AFS Science Communication Section. Fisheries. 43: 121.
Drinan, D. P., Loher, T. and Hauser, L. (2018) Identification of genomic regions associated with sex in Pacific halibut.  J. Heredity 109(3):326-332.
Henry, E. (2018) The International Pacific Halibut Commission and Social Media. Fisheries 43(3): 139-142.
Hershberger, P. K., Gregg, J. L. and Dykstra, C. L. (2018) High-prevalence and low-intensity Ichthyophonus infections in Pacific halibut.  J. Aquat. Anim. Health 30:13-19.
LeBris, A., Fisher, J. A. D., Murphy, H. M., Galbraith, P. S., Castonguay, M., Loher, T., and Robert, D.  (2018)  Migration patterns and putative spawning habitats of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence revealed by geolocation of pop-up satellite archival tags.  ICES Journal of Marine Science, 75(1):135-147.
Loher, T. and Soderlund, E. (2018) Connectivity between Pacific halibut Hippoglossus stenolepis residing in the Salish Sea and the offshore population, demonstrated by pop-up archival tagging. J. Sea Res. 142: 113-124.
Monnahan, C.C. and Stewart, I.J. (2018). The effect of hook spacing on longline catch rates: implications for catch rate standardization. Fish. Res. 198: 150-158.
Nielsen, J.K., Rose, C.S., Lindstrom, T., Loher, T., Drobny, P., Seitz, A.C., Courtney, M.B. and Gauvin, J. (2018) Characterizing activity and detecting bycatch mortality of Pacific halibut with accelerometer Pop-up Satellite Archival Tags.  Animal Biotelemetry 6:10.
Stewart, I.J. and Hicks, A.C. (2018) Interannual stability from ensemble modelling. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 75(12): 2109-2113.
Fisher, J. A. D., Robert, D., Le Bris, A., and Loher, T.  (2017).  Pop-up satellite archival tag (PSAT) temporal data resolution affects interpretations of spawning behavior and vertical habitat use.  Animal Biotelemetry 5:21.
Loher, T., Webster, R. A., and Carlile, D. W.   (2017)  A test of the detection range of acoustic transmitters and receivers deployed in deep waters of Southeast Alaska, USA.  Animal Biotelemetry 5:27. 10.1186/s40317-017-0142-y
Murphy, H.M., Fisher, J.A.D., Le Bris, A., Desgagnés, M., Castonguay, M., Loher, T., and Robert, D.  (2017)  Pop-up satellite tags provide the first characterizations of depth distributions, temperature associations, and seasonal migrations of Atlantic halibut in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.  Marine and Coastal Fisheries 9(1):341-346.
Seitz, A.C., Loher, T., Farrugia, T.J., Norcross, B.L., and Nielsen, J.L.  (2017)  Basin-scale reproductive segregation of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis).  Fisheries Management and Ecology 24:339-346.
Stewart, I.J. and Monnahan, C.C. (2017) Implications of process error in selectivity for approaches to weighting compositional data in fisheries stock assessments. Fish. Res. 192:126-134.
Bentzen, R., Castellini, J. M., Gerlach, R., Dykstra, C., and O’Hara, T. (2016) Mercury concentrations in Alaska Pacific halibut muscle relative to stable isotopes of C and N and other biological variables. Marine Pollution Bulletin 113(1-2):110-116.
Drinan, D. P., Galindo, H. M., Loher, T., and Hauser, L. (2016). Subtle genetic population structure in Pacific halibut. Journal of Fish Biology 89:2571-2594.
Loher, T., Woods, M. A., Jimenez-Hidalgo, I., and Hauser, L. (2016). Variance in age-specific sex ratios of Pacific halibut catches and comparison of statistical and genetic methods for reconstructing sex ratios. Journal of Sea Research 107:90-99.
Kastelle, C.R., Helser, T.E., Wischniowski, S., Loher, T., Goetz, B.J., and Kautzi, L.A. 2015. Incorporation of bomb-produced 14C into fish otoliths: a novel approach for evaluating age validation and bias with application to yellowfin sole and northern rockfish. Ecological Modelling 320:71-91.
Stewart, I.J., and S.J.D. Martell. (2015) Reconciling stock assessment paradigms to better inform fisheries management. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 72(8): 2187-2196.
Martell, S. J. D., and Stewart, I. J. (2014) Towards defining good practices for modeling time-varying selectivity. Fish. Res. 158: 84-95.
Sadorus, L. L., Mantua, N. J., Essington, T., Hickey, B., and Hare, S. (2014) Distribution patterns of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) in relation to environmetal variables along the continental shelf waters of the US West Coast and sountern British Columbia. Fish. Oceangr. 23(3): 225-241.
Stewart, I. J., and Hamel, O. S. (2014) Bootstrapping of sample sizes for length- or age-composition data used in stock assessments. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 71: 581-588.
Stewart, I. J., and Martell, S. J. D. (2014) A historical review of selectivity approaches and retrospective patterns in the Pacific halibut stock assessment. Fish. Res. 158: 40-49.
Thorson, J. T., Taylor, I. G., Stewart, I. J., and Punt, A. E. (2014) Rigorous meta-analysis of life history correlations by simultaneously analyzing multiple population dynamics models. Ecol. App. 24(2): 315-326.
Dougherty, D. T., R. Hilborn, A. E. Punt, and I. J. Stewart. (2013) Modeling co-occurring species: a simulation study on the effects of spatial scale for setting management targets. Can. J. Fish. Aquat Sci.  70:49-56.
Martell, S. J. D., Froese, R. (2013)  A simple method for estimating MSY from catch and resilliance, Fish and Fisheries. 14: 504-514.
Ralston, S.J., and I.J. Stewart. 2013. Bifurcated distributions of pelagic juvenile rockfish on the U.S. west coast in 2005 and 2006. CalCOFI Reports 54: 1-12.
Stewart, I. J., A. C. Hicks, I. G. Taylor, J. T. Thorson, C. Wetzel, and S. Kupschus. (2013) A comparison of stock assessment uncertainty estimates using maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods implemented with the same model framework. Fisheries Research 142:37-46.
Thorson, J. T., I. J. Stewart, I. G. Taylor, and A. E. Punt. (2013) Using a recruitment-linked multispecies stock assessment model to estimate common trends in recruitment for US West Coast groundfishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 483:245-256.
Webster, R. A., Clark, W. G., Leaman, B. M. and Forsberg, J. E. (2013)  Pacific halibut on the move: a renewed understanding of adult migration from a coastwide tagging study.  Can. J. Fish. Aquat Sci., 70: 642-653.
Keller, A. A., Wallace, J. R., Horness, B. H., Hamel, O. S., and Stewart, I. J. (2012) Variations in Eastern North Pacific demersal fish biomass based on the U.S. West Coast groundfish bottom trawl survey (2003–2010). Fish. Bull. 110: 205-222.
Leaman, B.M., Kaimmer, S.M., and Webster, R.A. (2012) Circle hook size and spacing effects on the catch of Pacific halibut. B. Mar. Sci. 88: 547-557.
Loher, T., and Hobden, J. C. (2012) Length and sex effects on the spatial structure of catches of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) on longline gear.  Fish. Bull. 110(1):46-51.
Melnychuk, M. C., Essington, T. E., Branch, T. A., Heppell, S. S., Jensen, O. P., Link, J. S., Martell, S. J. D., Parma, A. M., Pope, J. G., and Smith, A. D. M. (2012) Can catch share fisheries better track management targets? Fish Fish. 13:267–290.
Stewart, I. J., Hicks, A., Taylor, I., Thorson, J. T., Wetzel, C., and Kupschus, S. (2012) A comparison of stock assessment uncertainty estimates using maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods implemented with the same model framework. Fish. Res. 142: 37-46.
Thorson, J. T., Clarke, M. E., Stewart, I. J., and Punt, A. E. (2012) The implications of spatially varying catchability on bottom trawl surveys of fish abundance, and a proposed solution involving in situ underwater vehicles. Can. J. Fish. Aquat Sci. 70: 294-306
Thorson, J. T., Stewart, I. J., and Punt, A. E. (2012) Development and application of an agent-based model to evaluate methods for estimating stock abundance for shoaling fishes such as Pacific rockfish (Sebastes spp.). ICES J. Mar. Sci. 69(4): 635-647.
Galindo, H. M., Loher, T., and Hauser, L. (2011) Genetic sex identification and the potential evolution of sex determination in Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis). Mar. Biotechnol. 13:1027–1037.
Loher, T. (2011) Analysis of match–mismatch between commercial fishing periods and spawning ecology of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis), based on winter surveys and behavioural data from electronic archival tags. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 68(10):2240-2251.
Loher, T. and Rensmeyer, R. (2011) Physiological responses of Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis, to intracoelomic implantation of electronic archival tags, with a review of tag implantation techniques employed in flatfishes. Rev. Fish Biol. Fish. 21(1):97-115.
Seitz, A. C., Loher, T., Norcross, B. L., Nielsen, J. L. (2011) Dispersal and behavior of Pacific halibut Hippoglossus stenolepis in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands region. Aquat. Biol. 12: 225–239.
Loher, T., and Rensmeyer, R.  (2010).  Physiological responses by Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis, to intracoelomic implantation of archival tags, with a review of tag implantation techniques employed in flatfishes. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries.
Loher, T., and Blood, C. L. (2009) Seasonal dispersion of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) summering off British Columbia and the US Pacific Northwest, evaluated via satellite archival tagging.  Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 66(9): 1409-1422.
Yoshizaki, J., Pollock, K. H., Brownie, C., and Webster, R. A. (2009). Modeling misidentification errors in capture-recapture studies using photographic tags of evolving marks. Ecology. 90: 3-9.
Kaimmer, S.M. and Stoner, A.W. (2008) Field investigation of rare-earth metal as a deterrent to spiny dogfish in the Pacific halibut fishery. Fish. Res. 94(1):43-47.
Loher, T. (2008) Homing and summer feeding site fidelity of Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) in the Gulf of Alaska, established using satellite-transmitting archival tags. Fish. Res.
Loher, T. 2008. Investigating variability in catch rates of halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) in the Pribilof Islands: Is temperature important? Deep-Sea Research II 55:1801-1808.
Loher, T. and Seitz, A.C. (2008) Characterization of active spawning season and depth for eastern Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis), and evidence of probable skipped spawning. J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci. 41:23-36.
Loher, T., Wischniowski, S., and Martin, G.B. 2008. Elemental chemistry of left and right sagittal otoliths in a marine fish Hippoglossus stenolepis displaying cranial asymmetry. Journal of Fish Biology 73:870-887. doi.org10.1111/j.1095-8649.2008.01982.x
Stoner, A.W., and Kaimmer, S.M. (2008) Reducing elasmobranch bycatch:  Laboratory investigation of rare earth metal and magnetic deterrents with spiny dogfish and Pacific halibut, Fish. Res. 92(2-3):162-168.
Ames, R.T., Leaman, B.M., and Ames, K.L. (2007) Evaluation of video technology for monitoring of multispecies longline catches. N. Am. J. Fish. Mgmt. 27: 955-964.
Chen, D-G. and Hare, S. R. (2006) Neural network and fuzzy logic models for Pacific halibut recruitment analysis. Ecol Modeling, 195: 11-19.
Clark, W. G., and Kaimmer, S. M. (2006) Estimates of commercial longline selectivity for Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) from multiple marking experiments. Fish. Bull. 104: 465-467.
Lehodey, P., Alheit, J., Barange, M., Baumgartner, T., Beaugrand, G., Drinkwater, K., Fromentin, J-M., Hare, S. R., Ottersen, G., Perry, R. I., Roy, C., van der Lingen, C. D., and Werner, F. (2006) Climate variability, fish and fisheries. J. Climate 19: 5009-5030.
Loher, T., and Seitz, A. (2006) Seasonal migration and environmental conditions experienced by Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis), elucidated from Pop-up Archival Transmitting (PAT) tags. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 317: 259-271.
Piat, J. F., Wetzel, J., Bell, K., DeGange, A. R., Balogh, G. R., Drew, G. S., Geernaert, T.,  Ladd, C., Byrd, V. G. (2006)  Predictable hotspots and foraging habitat of the endangered short-tailed albatross (Phoebastria albatrus) in the North Pacific: Implications for conservation. Deep Sea Res. Part II. 53. Issues 3-4: 387-398.
Leaman, B. M. and Williams, G. H. (2005) Collaborative Pacific halibut bycatch control by Canada and the United States. Mar. Fish. Rev. 66(2): 31-37.
Chen, D.G. (2004) Bias and bias correction in fish recruitment prediction. N. Am. J. Fish. Mgmt, 24:724-730.
Clark, W. G. and Hare, S. R. (2004) A conditional constant catch policy for managing the Pacific halibut fishery. N. Am. J. Fish. Mgmt 24: 106-113.
Piner, K.R. and Wischniowski, S.G. (2004) Pacific halibut chronology of bomb radiocarbon in otoliths from 1944 to 1981 and a validation of ageing methods. J. Fish Biol., 64:1060-1071.
Chen, D.G. and Holtby, B. (2002)  A regional meta-model for stock-recruitment analysis using empirical Bayesian approaches. Canadian Journal of Fishery and Aquatic Sciences, 59(9):1503-1514.
Chen, D.G., Irvine, J.R. and Cass, A. (2002) Incorporating Allee effects in fish stock-recruitment models and applications for determining reference points. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 59(2):242-249
Clark, W.G. (2002) F35% revisited ten years later. N. Am. J. Fish. Mgmt. 22:251-257.<0251:FRTYL>2.0.CO;2
Clark, W.G. and Hare, S.R. (2002) Effects of climate and stock size on recruitment and growth of Pacific halibut. N. Am. J. Fish. Mgmt. 22: 852-862.<0852:EOCASS>2.0.CO;2
Kastelle, C.R. and Forsberg, J.E. (2002). Testing for loss of 222Rn from Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) otoliths. Fish. Res. 57: 93-98.
Kennedy, V.S., R.R. Twilley, J.A. Kleypas, J.H. Cowan, Jr., and Hare, S.R. (2002) Coastal and Marine Ecosystems and Global Climate Change: Potential Effects on U.S. Resources. Pew Center on Global Climate Change, Arlington, VA. 52 pp.
Mantua, N.J. and Hare. S.R. (2002) The Pacific Decadal Oscillation . J. Oceanography 58: 35-44.
Chen, D.G. (2001) Detecting environmental regimes in fish stock-recruitment relationships by fuzzy logic. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 58(11)
Chen, D.G. and Irvine, J. (2001) A semiparametric approach to analyze stock-recruitment relationship with environmental effects and fishery interventions. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 58:1178-1186.
Hollowed, A.B., Hare, S.R. and Wooster, W. S. (2001) Pacific-basin climate variability and patterns of Northeast Pacific marine fish production (pdf file). Prog. Oceanogr. 49:257-282.
Lluch-Cota, D.B., Wooster, W.S., and Hare, S. R. (2001) Sea surface temperature variability in coastal areas of the Northeastern Pacific related to the El Niño-Southern Oscillation and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation  Geophys. Res. Lett. 28:2029-2032.
Clark, W. G., Hare, S. R., Parma, A. M., Sullivan, P. J., and Trumble, R. J. (1999) Decadel changes in growth and recruitment of Pacific halibut. Can. J. Fish. And Aquat. Sci. 56: 1-11.
Clark, W. G., Hare, S. R., Parma, A. M., Sullivan, P. J., and Trumble, R. J. (1999) Decadel changes in growth and recruitment of Pacific halibut. Can. J. Fish. And Aquat. Sci. 56: 242-252.
Clark, W.G. (1999) Effects of an erroneous natural mortality rate on a simple age-structured stock assessment. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 56:1721-1731.
Kaimmer, S. (1999) Direct observations on the hooking behavior of Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis. Fish. Bull. 97: 873-883
Stanley, R. D., Kieser, R. Leaman, B. M., and Cooke, K. D. (1999) Diel vertical migration by yellowtail rockfish, Sebastes flavidus, and its impact on acoustic biomass estimation. Fish. Bull. 97:320-331.
Adlerstein, S. A., and Trumble, R. J. (1998) Pacific halibut bycatch in Pacific cod fisheries in the Bering Sea: An analysis to evaluate area-time management. J. of Sea Res. 39/1-2: 153-166.
Clark, W. G. and Hare, S. R. (1998) Accounting for bycatch in management of the Pacific halibut fishery. N. Amer. J. Fish. Manage. 18:809-821.<0809:AFBIMO>2.0.CO;2
Francis, R. C., Hare, S. R., Hollowed, A. B., and Wooster, W. S. (1998) Effects of interdecadal climate variability on the oceanic ecosystems of the NE Pacific. Fish. Oceanogr. 7: 1-21.
Kaimmer, S. and Trumble, R. (1998) Injury, condition, and mortality of Pacific halibut bycatch following careful release by Pacific cod and sablefish longline fisheries. Fisheries Research 38: 131-144.
National Research Council. (1998) Improving Fish Stock Assessments. National Academy Press, Washington D.C.
Orensanz, J. M., Parma, A. M., and Hall, M. A. (1998) The analysis of concentration in shellfish research. Can. Spec. Publ. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 125:143-158.
Parma, A. M. (1998) y NCEAS working group on population management. What can adaptive management do for our fish, forests, food, and biodiversity? Integrative Biology 1: 16-26.
Shea, K., Amarasekare, P., Mangel, M., Moore, J., Murdoch, W., Noonburg, E., Pascual, M. A., Parma, A. M., Possingham, H. P., Wilcox, C., and Yu, D. (1998) Population management in conservation, harvesting and control. Trends in Ecology and Evolution (TREE) 13:371-375.
Sullivan, P. J., and Rebert, S. D. (1998). Interpreting Pacific halibut catch statistics in the British Columbia individual quota program. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 55:99-115.
Trumble, R. J. (1998) Northeast Pacific flatfish management. J. of Sea Res. 39/1-2: 167-181.
Mantua, N. J., Hare, S. R., Zhang, Y., Wallace, J. M., and Francis, R. C. (1997) A Pacific interdecadal climate oscillation with impacts on salmon production. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 78: 1069-1079.<1069:APICOW>2.0.CO;2
Brodeur, R. D., Frost, B. W., Hare, S. R., Francis, R. C., and Ingraham, Jr., W. J. (1996) Interannual variations in zooplankton biomass in the Gulf of Alaska and covariation with California Current zooplankton. Calif. Coop. Oceanic Fish. Invest. Rep. 37: 80-99.
Walters, C. and Parma, A. M. (1995) Fixed exploitation rate strategies for coping with effects of climate change. Can. J. Fish. and Aquat. Sci. 53: 148-158.
Kaimmer, S. M. (1994) Halibut injury and mortality associated with manual and automated removal from setline hooks. Fisheries Research 20: 165-1
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