For details on the IPHC Fishery-Independent Setline Survey sampling methods, please refer to the following manual:
Interactive Data Visualizations

FISS Space-time Model Output
Spatial distribution and station explorer output. (Information Document).
Clicking the ‘View FISS space-time model output’ link will begin the process of loading the model output. This may take up to a minute or two, during which it may appear as if nothing is happening.
FISS ABM INDEX: To calculate the FISS ABM index, please use the Space-time Model Output and see the steps in this guide.

FISS Pacific Halibut Biologicals
Length frequency, sex ratio, prior-hooking injuries, and weight/length at age.
View FISS Pacific Halibut Biologicals

FISS Performance
Effective stations, otolith sampling rates, and FISS timing/footprint.
View FISS Performance

Customizable FISS Data Download
Raw survey data by year range, data fields, IPHC regulatory areas, purpose codes, and survey regions/stations.
View Customizable FISS Data Download

FISS Pacific Halibut Data Download
Pacific halibut data, including sex, maturity, age, and length by year range, IPHC regulatory areas, and survey regions/stations.
View FISS Pacific Halibut Data Download

FISS Static Data Download
PDF or Excel files by year for specific IPHC Regulatory Area(s).