28 November 2023
SEATTLE – The IPHC Secretariat is pleased to advise of the following opportunities for all stakeholders to hear the latest Pacific halibut stock assessment results, presented by Dr Ian Stewart, Quantitative Scientist at the IPHC Secretariat, as well as to seek clarification via question and answer sessions.

- The first public presentation will occur at the 99th Session of the IPHC Interim Meeting (IM099), scheduled for this Thursday, 30 November 2023. To join, please register via the IM099 meeting page: https://www.iphc.int/meetings/99th-session-of-the-iphc-interim-meeting-im099/. On this webpage you will also find the full stock assessment paper and the associated presentation. This session will also be recorded (audio and visual) and published to the IM099 meeting page, at the link above.
Stock Assessment paper: https://www.iphc.int/uploads/2023/11/IPHC-2023-IM099-10-Rev_1-Data-overview-and-stock-assessment.pdf
Stock Assessment presentation: https://www.iphc.int/uploads/2023/11/IPHC-2023-IM099-10-Rev_1-Data-overview-and-stock-assessment-1.pdf
NOTE: stock projections and the harvest decision table for 2024-2026 are provided in a separate paper and presentation this year:
Stock projection paper: https://www.iphc.int/uploads/2023/11/IPHC-2023-IM099-12-Rev_1-Projections-and-harvest-decision-table.pdf
Stock projection presentation: https://www.iphc.int/uploads/2023/11/IPHC-2023-IM099-12-Rev_1-Stock-projections-and-decision-table.pdf

- The second opportunity will occur via a public session at the Hilton Hotel in Anchorage Alaska on 5 December 2023 (17:30-19:00 hrs, AKST, Dillingham/Katmai Room). This in-person session is primarily designed for those attending the NPFMC meetings but is open to all interested parties.
- The third opportunity will be at the Canadian Halibut Advisory Board (HAB) meeting, on 11 December 2024, 09:00-12:00 hrs This is a HAB member only session at the request of Canada.
At the start of 2024, Dr Stewart will update the Pacific halibut stock assessment projections with any new data received up until early January (e.g. non-directed discard mortality estimates, and subsistence data), and the papers and presentations referred to above will be revised and published on the IPHC website, AM100 page. Once updated, Dr Stewart will be providing the following two additional, extended information sessions for interested stakeholders to ask questions and hear from Dr Stewart:
- The fourth opportunity is designed to target Pacific halibut harvesters from all sectors, in particular the Conference Board (CB) membership: Date: 16 January 2024; Time: 13:00-15:00 hrs PST, online. Meeting link being sent to harvesters directly.
- The fifth opportunity is designed to target Pacific halibut processors, in particular the Processor Advisory Board (PAB) membership: Date: 17 January 2024; Time: 13:00-15:00 hrs PST, online. Meeting link being sent to processors directly.
Finally, Dr Stewart will present the final, updated Pacific halibut stock assessment at the 100th Session of the IPHC Annual Meeting (AM100), that commences on 22 January 2024.
- The sixth opportunity: 100th Session of the IPHC Annual Meeting (AM100): 22-26 January 2024. Please register and attend either in-person, or remotely via the link to be provided.
Please join Dr Stewart at one or more of the above opportunities.
For further information on how to join these presentations and the associated question and answer sessions, please contact the IPHC Secretariat at secretariat@iphc.int or 206.634.1838.
IPHC Secretariat
International Pacific Halibut Commission
2320 W. Commodore Way, Suite 300
Seattle, WA 98199-1287
206-634-1838 | www.iphc.int