IPHC-2023-MR-008 Notification of IPHC Fishery-Independent Setline Survey (FISS) 2023 Contract Awards

13 April 2023

SEATTLE – The International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) is chartering longline vessels to conduct its Fishery-Independent Setline Survey (FISS) in 2023. The primary purpose of the FISS is to collect standardised fishery-independent data for use in our Pacific halibut stock assessment. This information is used to study aspects of the Pacific halibut resource such as growth, distribution, biomass, age composition, sexual maturity, and relative abundance of other species.

Please note that while IPHC does not plan to complete the remaining stations in Unalaska (16) and Adak (16), we are still actively seeking bids for the Yakutat charter region (36). For more information, please visit the Vessel Recruiting page. 

2023 IPHC FISS Contract Awards       

IPHC Regulatory AreaIPHC Charter RegionVesselLump Sum (USD)Share of Pacific halibutShare of non-viable bycatch
2AWashingtonPacific Surveyor$60,00010%50%
2BGoose IslandStar Wars II$115,00010%0%
2BSt JamesStar Wars II$110,00010%0%
2BCharlottePender Isle$140,00010%$2,000 1
2COmmaneyBold Pursuit$90,00010%50%
2CSitkaStar Wars II$90,00010%50%
3AFairweatherBold Pursuit$95,00010%50%
3APrince William SoundDangerous Cape$96,00010%50%
3AGore PointDangerous Cape$85,68010%50%
3AAlbatrossKema Sue$88,20010%50%
3BChignikKema Sue$108,48010%50%
3BShumaginKema Sue$122,04010%50%
3BSanakKema Sue$81,90010%50%

Note: Bycatch processing lump sum payments

IPHC Secretariat
International Pacific Halibut Commission
2320 W. Commodore Way, Suite 300
Seattle, WA 98199-1287
206-634-1838 | www.iphc.int


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