IPHC Regulatory Area | Fishery limits (net weight) | Landings (net weight) | ||
Pounds (lb) | Tonnes (t) | Pounds (lb) | Tonnes (t) | |
Area 2A (California, Oregon, and Washington) | 1,190,000 | 539,78 | ||
Non-treaty directed commercial (south of Pt. Chehalis | 201,845 | 91.56 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Non-treaty incidental catch in salmon troll fishery | 35,620 | 16.16 | no data | no data |
Non-treaty incidental catch in sablefish fishery (north of Pt. Chehalis) | 50,000 | 22.68 | 1,874 | 0.90 |
Treaty Indian commercial | 389,500 | 176.68 | 194,093 | 88.04 |
Treaty Indian ceremonial and subsistence (year-round) | 27,000 | 12.25 | ||
Recreational – Washington | 225,366 | 102.22 | no data | no data |
Recreational – Oregon | 229,730 | 104.20 | no data | no data |
Recreational – California | 30,940 | 14.03 | no data | no data |
Area 2B (British Columbia) | 6,223,985 | 2,823.18 | ||
Commercial fishery | 5,295,995 | 2,402.25 | 1,433,332 | 650.15 |
Recreational fishery | 927,990 | 420.93 | no data | no data |
Area 2C (southeastern Alaska) | 4,450,000 | 2,018.51 | ||
Commercial fishery (IFQ) | 3,570,000 | 1,619.32 | 1,111,037 | 503.96 |
Guided recreational fishery | 810,000 | 367.41 | no data | no data |
Area 3A (central Gulf of Alaska) | 9,450,000 | 4,286.49 | ||
Commercial fishery | 7,350,000 | 3,333.91 | 1,839,421 | 834.35 |
Guided recreational fishery | 1,790,000 | 811.94 | no data | no data |
Area 3B (western Gulf of Alaska) | 2,620,000 | 1,188.41 | 270,315 | 122.61 |
Area 4A (eastern Aleutians) | 1,370,000 | 621,42 | 1 | 1 |
Area 4B (central/western Aleutians) | 1,050,000 | 476.24 | 1 | 1 |
Areas 4CDE | 1,580,000 | 716,68 | 1 | 1 |
Area 4C (Pribilof Islands) | 733,500 | 332.71 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Area 4D (northwestern Bering Sea) | 733,500 | 332.71 | 1 | 1 |
Area 4E (Bering Sea flats) | 113,000 | 51.26 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
1Total landings in IPHC Regulatory Area 4 are combined to meet confidentiality requirements, for a total of 195,790 pounds (88.8 tonnes).
Quota Share Commercial Fisheries Update
The 2018 quota share Pacific halibut fisheries opened on 24 March 2018. It is estimated that the following commercial landings, by weight and number of landings, were taken in the Alaskan Individual Fishery Quota (IFQ) fishery through 08 May 2018 and in the British Columbian Individual Vessel Quota (IVQ) fishery through 05 May 2018.
IPHC Regulatory Area | Catch Limit | Landings | Proportion | Number of Landings | ||
‘000s lb | Tonnes | ‘000s lb | Tonnes | |||
2C | 3,570 | 1,619 | 1,111 | 504 | 31.12 | 251 |
3A | 7,350 | 3,334 | 1,839 | 834 | 25.02 | 300 |
3B | 2,260 | 1,025 | 270 | 123 | 11.95 | 33 |
4 | 4,000 | 1,814 | 196 | 89 | 4.90 | 21 |
USA total | 17,540 | 7,956 | 3,417 | 1,550 | 19.48 | 605 |
2B (Canada) total | 5,296 | 2,402 | 1,433 | 650 | 27.06 | 113 |
Grand Total | 22,836 | 10,358 | 4,850 | 2,200 | 21.23 | 718 |
United States of America: The landings from IPHC Regulatory Areas 2C, 3, and 4 (Alaska) represent ~19% of the 2018 quota share commercial fishery catch limit. For comparison, 4.2 Mlb, 1,905 t, or ~22% of the 2017 catch limit, were landed in the Alaskan fishery by this same date in 2017; however, the opening date of the 2017 fishery occurred 13 days earlier in the year than that of the 2018 fishery. For comparison, using a similar fishing period length, during the first 45 days of the 2017 Alaska commercial Pacific halibut fishery, 3.4 Mlb, 1,542 t, or 17% of the catch limit, were landed.
Canada: The landings from IPHC Regulatory Area 2B (British Columbia) waters represent ~27% of the 2018 commercial fishery catch limit. For comparison, 1.3 Mlb, 590 t, or ~21% of the 2017 catch limit, had been landed from IPHC Regulatory Area 2B by this same date in 2017. Also, during the first 42 days of the 2017 IVQ fishery, 1.1 Mlb, 499 t, or 17% of the catch limit, had been landed.
IPHC Regulatory Area 2A Commercial Treaty Indian Fisheries
In 2018, the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) allocated 389,500 pounds (177 tonnes) of Pacific halibut for commercial use to the Treaty Indian tribes of IPHC Regulatory Area 2A. After one unrestricted fishery and one restricted fishery, a total of 194,093 pounds (88 tonnes) of Pacific halibut have been reported landed as of 27 April 2018.
IPHC Regulatory Area 2A Incidental Commercial Pacific Halibut Fishery During the Limited Entry, Fixed-Gear Sablefish Fishery
The total allowable incidental commercial catch of Pacific halibut allocated to the limited entry, fixed-gear sablefish fishery, which operates in IPHC Regulatory Area 2A north of Point Chehalis, Washington, is 50,000 pounds (22.7 tonnes). Incidental catch of Pacific halibut in the sablefish fishery was permitted beginning 01 April 2018. Preliminary landing estimates indicate that 1,874 pounds (0.9 tonnes) of Pacific halibut have been landed through 30 April 2018. For further incidental fishery retention information, call the NMFS hotline (1-800-662-9825 press 7 for Pacific halibut information).
Annette Islands Reserve Fishery in IPHC Regulatory Area 2C
The Metlakatla Indian Community has been authorized by the United States Government to conduct a commercial Pacific halibut fishery within the Annette Islands Reserve. The following table lists Pacific halibut catch and numbers of participating vessels by fishing period.
Fishing Period Dates | Pounds | Tonnes | Number of Vessels |
23 – 25 March | 1,877 | 0.85 | 5 |
06 – 08 April | 748 | 0.34 | 4 |
The total landed weight of Pacific halibut reported to date is 2,625 pounds (1.2 tonnes). The Metlakatla Indian Community and the Bureau of Indian Affairs will announce future Pacific halibut openings.
Completion and Submission of Logbooks for the Commercial Pacific Halibut Fishery in all IPHC Regulatory Areas and for the Alaska Sablefish Fishery
The IPHC has collected commercial logbook information since the 1930s. The weight per unit effort, gear, and location information from the logbook is essential for the annual stock assessment and aids in determining the condition of the Pacific halibut resource. Marine mammal details were added to the logbooks in 2017 in response to requests from the fleet and stock assessors. No changes were made for 2018. We have been successful in managing the resource primarily because of cooperation from participating harvesters. All detailed trip information obtained and retained by the IPHC is kept strictly confidential and cannot be subpoenaed because of IPHC immunities as an international organization.
The IPHC has been contracted by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Auke Bay Laboratory (ABL) to collect sablefish log sheets in Alaska for use in the sablefish stock assessment. This program was developed at the request of the sablefish industry and is voluntary. Any logbook information provided to the NMFS ABL requires a captain’s signature acknowledging and agreeing to the following: ‘IPHC will forward to Sablefish Assessment, Auke Bay Lab’. Only sablefish data that have this acknowledgement are provided to ABL. Sablefish catch, set data, and landing locations are provided, but each vessel is assigned a unique number code preventing the vessel from being identified. These data cannot be obtained by outside parties under the Freedom of Information Act.
For the 2018 season, IPHC has samplers in the following ports in Alaska: Dutch Harbor, Homer, Juneau, Kodiak, Petersburg, Seward, Sitka, and St. Paul. We also have samplers in Bellingham, Washington and Newport and Charleston, Oregon.
Providing the log to the port sampler is the most efficient way to provide accurate data for inclusion in the stock assessment, to clarify details, and to provide you with a venue to ask questions and provide direct feedback to the IPHC and ABL. New tear-out logbooks can be obtained from any port sampler or from the Seattle office. Hardcover logbooks are no longer available. At the end of the fishing season, if a sampler has not collected logbook information from all trips, please tear out the IPHC/IFQ copy from your logbook, or make a copy of the information, sign to release the sablefish catch information, and send it to the Seattle office at 2320 West Commodore Way Suite 300, Seattle, WA, 98199, USA.
Please refer to the attached log example to complete your IPHC-approved log as accurately, legibly, and completely as possible. Thank you again for your continuing cooperation.
– END –
David T. Wilson, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Phone: (206) 634-1838
Fax: (206) 632-2983
Web: www.iphc.int

Report #
Date Published