IPHC-2023-MR-004 Call for Members to the IPHC Processor Advisory Board (PAB) (In-person and remote electronic participation possible)

13 January 2023

In-Person and Remote (electronic) participation welcome

SEATTLE – Eligible Pacific halibut processors are invited to register and provide accreditation details for the upcoming 28th Session of the IPHC Processor Advisory Board (PAB028), which will be held in a hybrid format to allow both in-person and remote participation.

Eligibility: In accordance with the IPHC Rules of Procedure (2022), only those whose direct business is purchasing, processing and selling Pacific halibut caught in Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, or California, are eligible for PAB membership.

Please be reminded that in order for you to attend the upcoming meeting as a Member, you must first complete the online accreditation form for the meeting, even if you have attended as a Member in the past.

Step 1: Online accreditation form

Then, please register for the meeting so we know how many people the meeting room will need to accommodate.

Step 2Meeting registration

All meeting documents will be published as they are available to the PAB028 meeting page linked here.

All IPHC meetings are open to observers and the general public. Please register using the above link.

IPHC Secretariat
International Pacific Halibut Commission
2320 W. Commodore Way, Suite 300
Seattle, WA 98199-1287
206-634-1838 | www.iphc.int


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