13 May 2021
SEATTLE – The International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) will be conducting its annual fishery-independent setline survey operations. The survey will be conducted off British Columbia, Oregon, Washington and Alaska during the 2021 fishing period and will be selling Pacific halibut caught and sampled during these operations to offset costs associated with conducting the research, in accordance with The Convention between Canada and the United States of America for the preservation of the [Pacific] halibut fishery of the Northern Pacific ocean and Bering sea (Article III, paragraph 2).
This news release is intended to notify processors of the IPHC plan to sell fish and to update lists of interested buyers in ports where IPHC-chartered vessels will offload catch.
Approximately 13 vessels will be involved in the IPHC fishery-independent setline survey, with landings between early June and early September. Average trip poundage for Pacific halibut will range from 5,000 to 35,000 pounds, plus lesser amounts of rockfish (Sebastes spp.) and Pacific cod. The condition of fish prior to each landing will be communicated in the individual sales announcement.
Sales will be awarded based on the IPHC’s objectives of achieving a fair market price. Sale agreements will be based on prices at the time of the sale. The IPHC will not enter into any consignment or profit-sharing arrangements. The IPHC plans to contact interested Pacific halibut buyers prior to each landing. Preferences will be given to buyers with a history of successfully marketing Pacific halibut and following ethical business practices. In awarding sales, the IPHC will consider: (1) price; (2) the number of years buyers have been buying and marketing Pacific halibut; (3) how fish are graded at the dock, including the determination of No. 2 Pacific halibut and chalky fish; and (4) promptness in settlements following deliveries. Obtaining a fair market price will be a primary consideration in awarding fish sales. The IPHC will also attempt to distribute sales among as many qualified buyers as possible, subject to fair market value.
All buyers (including those with past IPHC sales history) interested in purchasing IPHC fishery-independent setline survey fish in 2021 should complete the Interested Buyer Form. Replying to this news release will ensure you are kept informed of purchasing opportunities throughout our field season. For further information, please contact IPHC secretariat at (206) 634-1838 or via email at Secretariat@iphc.int.
IPHC Secretariat
International Pacific Halibut Commission
2320 W. Commodore Way, Suite 300
Seattle, WA 98199-1287
206-634-1838 | www.iphc.int