IPHC News Release 2017-30 Central Oregon All-depth Closure

21 September 2017

SPORT FISHERIES: Oregon central coast All-Depth closure

The following has closed for the Pacific halibut sport fishery in Oregon, U.S.A.:

Closed: Oregon Central Coast Sub-area summer all-depth Pacific halibut sport fishery – The preliminary catch estimate for the central Oregon all-depth summer Pacific halibut sport fishery openings through 17 September 2017 is 63,547 pounds, leaving an estimated 2,734 pounds in the harvest allocation. This amount is insufficient for further openings in this sub-area and as a result this area is now closed for the remainder of 2017. The remaining pounds will be transferred to the Oregon Central Coast subarea nearshore fishery allocation to maintain opportunity in that area.

The following areas are open for the Pacific halibut sport fishery in Oregon, U.S.A.:

Open: Oregon Central Coast subarea nearshore Pacific halibut sport fishery – The preliminary catch estimate for the Oregon Central Coast subarea nearshore Pacific halibut sport fishery through 17 September 2017 total 31,268 pounds, leaving an estimated 1,629 pounds to be harvested. To optimize attainment of the Oregon Pacific halibut sport fishery catch limit, fishery managers have transferred 2,734 pounds from the available Central Oregon Coast Sub-area All-depth sport fishery catch limit to the Oregon Central Coast subarea nearshore Pacific halibut sport fishery catch limit (for an available catch of 4,363 pounds). This action allows for the continuation of the Central Coast Sub-area seven days a week, until 31 October, or the adjusted quota is met.

Open: Southern Oregon Sub-area Pacific halibut sport fishery – The preliminary catch estimates from the Southern Oregon Sub-area through 17 September 2017 total 2,603 pounds, leaving 3,436 pounds to be harvested.

For more information on these updates please refer to:

Oregon: Department of Fish and Wildlife website:


In all marine areas open to Pacific halibut sport fishing in Washington, Oregon, and California, there is a one-fish daily catch limit and no minimum size restriction.

Due to the short notice nature of this notification, it is posted to our website only, and no paper copy has been mailed out.

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Report #


Date Published


2017-30 Central OR All-depth Closure

21 September 2017


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